Twist (A BDSM & Romantic Erotica Boxed Set) Page 7
By the time the top of the stocks was removed I was barely aware of anything around me but the ache in my back, in my legs… and in my empty, needy pussy. I fell to my knees on the grass, unable to stand. I saw feet in front of me and looked up to see Samial holding a glass of water, and this time I accepted it without complaint.
Then it dawned on me – he'd been behind me the whole afternoon, controlling what happened to me. I looked up again. "You did not let me have a… what is the word?"
"Orgasm. And no, I didn’t." He offered no explanation.
"Why? The other women had many!"
"Leina, I saw what being paddled did to you. It hurt a lot, I know – but the arousal it brought was obvious."
I looked down at the grass, my face red.
"Keeping you aroused allowed you to make it through all the pain. Having an orgasm meant the arousal would flee and the pain would be much worse."
I stared at him. Despite my anger, I knew he was right. "I, um, should give you thanks?"
"Probably." He looked at me, waiting.
"Ok, um, thanks." I had to look away. I was mortally embarrassed.
Chapter 5 – A Rash Decision
Two down, eight to go. We were a quiet group as we finally filed into the building we'd be staying in for the next few days. Our cots were already there and most of us headed straight for them, laying down on our stomachs, too tired and hurting to do any more. I longed for some privacy to finish off the orgasm I'd been denied all afternoon, but the only private place was the bathroom and that just seemed like too much effort.
After I dozed for a while, I awoke to Joran sitting next to me. The big male was stroking my arm gently and it felt nice.
"I know about your little problem. Have you reconsidered my offer? I promise I'll make you feel much better."
I turned my head into the pillow and then made a decision guided by desperate arousal and a chance to escape more punishments.
I didn't say it was a smart decision.
He helped me off the cot and with surprising gentleness escorted me out of the women's building to another one around back that was obviously for the males.
"Joran, I can't – in there – with other males – "
"It's empty right now. I promise."
It was, though I couldn't relax for knowing it might fill up again at any moment. But all those thoughts were pushed out of my head as he guided me to a bed and told me to lie down.
"On my back? It hurts!"
"Leina, it has to be on your back so that my seed will stay inside you long enough to have a chance to catch."
He wasn't going to move on this fact, so I laid down slowly, grimacing at the pain. All this for one freakin' orgasm? It had better be fantastic.
When I had finally adjusted myself as good as it was going to get, I opened my eyes. Joran stood to the side with his breeches open and the most enormous dick I had ever seen waving in the breeze. I actually backed up on the bed a little.
"What is that?" I squeaked.
He looked down at himself, confused. "It's my …” Apparently there was slang for "dick" that I hadn't learned yet. "It's what I put inside you to get you pregnant."
"I know what it is; I have never seen one that big."
He smiled proudly. "Many women say that."
My mouth dropped open. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Please start. I need to feel better. But please be careful of my small size?"
He pushed my legs apart, bringing his whatever-he-called-it up to my channel. It nudged at the folds, rubbed over my clit, and felt really, really good. He pushed a little harder and the head slipped in, eased by the slickness still present after all those hours of torment. Or because of them? Whatever. The head was the only easy part, though. As he pushed further in, I started to feel like I would split in two.
"Please! Slower! I am not used to your size!" His eyes held a glazed look that told me my tightness had transported him to a place of bliss – a place where he was going to forget all about me and my needs. He started pumping in and out as I groaned. Every thrust pushed me a little bit up on the bed until my head bumped against the wall, and my back scraped against the covers. This was not fun at all. With resignation, I stuck my hand between my legs and found my clit and started rubbing as furiously as I could, trying to resurrect some enjoyment from this experience. He didn't even notice. My body responded to the right kind of stimulation at last and once more I catapulted up the slope, and this time I had no intention of letting anything stop me.
Except he chose that moment to come, and with the most uncivilized roar I've ever heard, he stiffened, and I felt the warmth of his seed flood my womb. Then he collapsed on top of me. Between being startled at the roar, the realization that I now had something alien inside me, and the fact that I couldn't breathe because of his weight, my orgasm fled to parts unknown.
"Dammit!" I yelled in my own tongue, not knowing any alien swear words yet. I pushed furiously on the weight that was crushing me. "Joran, get off of me!"
He shook his head and rolled to the side. "What's the matter?"
"You are heavy!" I struggled to get the words right. "And I did not have, orgasm!"
He looked confused. "You didn't come when I did?"
"No! Why do you think I did?"
"My thrusting usually makes women come. They are rarely unsatisfied."
"Joran, your females may be different, but we need some gentle rub…," I was floundering for the word, "there!" I pointed between my legs.
"Oh. You do?"
I looked at him. "Your females are the same as us, but bigger, right?"
"Yeah, they have that spot too, but I didn't realize it was important."
I began to laugh. It suddenly became too much, and despite the pain in my bruised and welted ass, his statement was the funniest thing I'd heard in a long time.
"Why are you laughing at me?" He didn't look pleased.
I lapsed into my own language just to be able to say the words without struggling. "I cannot believe I just traveled halfway across the galaxy to find out that nothing ever changes. Even aliens have no idea how to please their women." I shook my head.
He may not have understood the words, but he understood the tone and my head shake. He looked like thunder. "The women I've laid with have never complained. They've had their orgasms when I've had mine."
"Joran, maybe they, um, pretend?"
He got up off the bed abruptly. "You'll stay there for an hour to let my seed have time to make its way into your birth canal."
"An hour? I cannot be here in the male building for an hour!"
"Nonetheless, you won't move." He produced one of the manacles we had worn this morning and before I realized what he was doing he snapped one end around my right wrist and the other around the bed frame.
"You bastard!" I yelled in my own words again. I struggled but it was firmly fixed. He ignored me and walked out.
Great. This was just great. I was lying here, naked, my incredibly sore butt still rubbing on the blanket, his cum seeping out of me despite my horizontal position, and I STILL hadn't had a freakin' orgasm!
Well, that was one problem I could fix. For the moment I was alone, and as fortune would have it, I was left-handed. I closed my eyes and conjured up an image of a man touching me, murmuring words of endearment, telling me how much he wanted to make love to me, and began to stroke my clit.
Nothing happened. I was grinding my teeth in frustration when I suddenly flashed back to this afternoon and saw myself in the stocks, bent over with my glistening folds exposed for all to see – and this time I knew Samial had been watching me. Perhaps he was occasionally touching me without my knowledge. And every now and then he would spank me and as I yelled his fingers would tease me until the sensations were too much…
Without warning I catapulted over the cliff and had the most spectacular orgasm in memory. I know I screamed. When I opened my eyes I screamed again as the obje
ct of my fantasy stood in front of me, this time for real.
"Why are you here?" I was embarrassed beyond belief. How much did he…?
"I was looking for you and then I heard loud moaning and when I walked in I witnessed a very beautiful sight." He smiled. "But why are you here, and shackled to the bed?"
I couldn't look at him. "Joran want… and I say yes…." In my flustered state I could not have remembered verb tenses if my life had depended on it.
"You agreed to have sex with him?" Suddenly he was angry.
That did it. "Yes, I say yes to have sex with him! If I can get a baby I'll go from the Tour and still have some skin! I ask you and you say no!"
His face hardened with a look I couldn't read and he abruptly leaned over and released the manacle.
"You've been here long enough."
"But Joran – "
"I'll deal with him. Go. Just – go." He practically dragged me to the door and shoved me out into the sunlight.
The rest of the evening passed quietly. I didn't see either Joran or Samial at all. We spent the hours dozing, showering, and rubbing shoulders that had been cramped and twisted from the long hours of being bent over. Dinner was some kind of soup that was light and probably nutritious but no one had much of an appetite.
Oriana had been next to the alien female in the stocks. She'd heard some of the conversation between her and the male who had put her there.
"She was crying before they even put the bar over her head. I heard one of the males whisper to her that she should be brave and accept this, that she knew it could have been worse. She said she knew that and she was sorry. She tried to say something about being jealous but he shushed her and said that was no excuse. I'm pretty sure she got punished harder than any of us, but the male would come up every little while and tell her that he loved her and that she was doing fine."
We listened with wide eyes. These aliens hated us, and yet they would punish one of their own who tried to hurt us? We weren't sure what to think.
The next morning was almost a repeat of the bizarre morning after our first punishment. Alien females began trooping into the building as soon as the sun rose, bearing platters of food. The tunics reappeared, freshly washed, and though we weren't sure about putting on anything that rubbed against our bruised buttcheeks, we accepted them back eagerly. It was worth the discomfort to have some personal privacy.
This food was different, spicier than the first town's, but very good. The rest of the day was spent reading, napping, and groaning as sore muscles were stretched.
I took one of the males aside and had him teach me a few necessary words.
Chapter 6 – The Flogging
That night the aliens brought games. It was hard to understand the rules, but the strange pictures on some of the unfolded boards made it clear these were children's games. We didn't care. It was fun to laugh and I was able to beat both Joran and Samial once. Neither of them liked to lose, I could tell.
Well, tough, I thought smugly.
After a while the door to the hall opened again and a male and female came in quietly. The other aliens stopped what they were doing and looked to the pair silently. I recognized the female. She was the one who had thrown the rock. She looked around the room and when her eyes landed on me, she started forward, the male at her side.
She approached with something in her hand.
"Hello," she said softly. "I'm really sorry about what I did yesterday. This is some medicine to help your sore muscles. I'm sure your backs still ache like mine does." She placed a jar of some kind of cream in my hand. There was a powerful medicinal smell escaping from the lid.
"My name is Malana," she said. "The leaders of the town insisted I come here tonight to meet you."
"Hi," I said, not sure what else to say. "I am, um, sorry that you got punished so hard."
She smiled a soft smile. "It's always hard to admit, but I was wrong. We were warned that we could only yell, that any physical attacks were forbidden, but I was so angry at all of you, and at you in particular…" Her eyes dropped to the floor.
"You are taller that the others. You look more like us than most of your females. I guess I just couldn't stand the thought that you would get to have a girl and I would not…" Her voice trailed off as the male squeezed her hand. "I don't know if I'll ever have any children."
"Not even a boy?" I asked, wondering what she meant.
She shook her head. "We can conceive girls, we just can't carry them very long before we lose them. That means that every woman who conceives loses half her babies. Do you know what that's like? Finding out you're pregnant, desperately wanting a girl, but knowing if you get your wish she'll die long before she's born?" Her eyes brimmed with tears. "Our birthrate has plummeted because most of us can't take the heartbreak of losing babies anymore, so we – I – just stopped trying." She broke off, her eyes dropping to the ground and her voice cracking. Neither of us said anything for a minute.
Her mate spoke up. "Anyhow, we hope this stuff helps. There should be enough for all of you. It stinks, but the smell will actually help you relax, too. Try it before you sleep tonight. Her mother taught her how to make it and it works."
They turned and walked away without any further words, opening the door into the night and disappearing.
I couldn't handle the emotions any more. I didn't want to care. I'd come here to get a better life for me, not to help them repair the damage my people had done. I mean, that's what I would be doing, but it was only a means to an end. I felt no obligation to care about what happened to them whatsoever. That's what I told myself, anyway.
I set the jar on the table with a bang and walked back to the room with the cots. I didn't want to play any more stupid games, and I didn't want to use any of the stupid cream.
As we approached the third town, we saw no poles, no wooden structures – just lines of aliens facing each other, probably about fifty on each side. Our wrist cuffs were clipped to the sides of our collars, keeping our hands well above our breasts. Kinin didn't keep us in the dark long.
"Each of you will walk from one end to the other, between the lines. Each person in the line has been given a flogger made of strips of leather, and they will hit you with it as you pass. They will only hit on the stomach or lower. When you get to the other side you're done. If you stumble or fall, you'll be given time to stand up again before it resumes."
This time they were going to make us move our own bodies into the punishment instead of restraining us. I didn't know if I could do it.
Adelen was up first. The line was quiet – waiting, watching – and frighteningly menacing. The anger from them was up close this time. Their height advantage had never been more obvious, and we women had never looked so small. She stood at the front of the impossibly long line, tears of fear forming. The aliens had no apparent sympathy for her.
She took a deep breath and stepped in between the first pair, stopping for a moment as though not sure what to do next. That question was answered as both of the males on either side of the line swung their floggers at her – one onto her ass, the other to her stomach, with the blows landing simultaneously. She screeched and started walking rapidly, and as she passed each pair the blows fell unerringly on her skin, leaving thin red lines behind. She yelped and shrieked as she moved, doing a kind of bizarre dance as each one hit, turning around frantically, trying to move away from the stings but only succeeding in getting closer to the next one. At one point she tripped and fell on the grass, and true to their word, all the flogging stopped as she struggled to her feet. Once she started forward it resumed. Tears were running down her face as she ran – hopped – danced – her way to the end of the line and once more fell onto the grass, this time beyond the reach of the floggers, and safe. From breasts to ankles, front and back, her entire body was covered with thin stripes.
To my surprise, one of the alien females stepped out of line to come lean over her, touching her as gently as she'
d struck hard a moment before. She helped Adelen up to her feet and off to the side. The line dissolved and a new line, with new aliens, formed.
It went pretty much like that for all of us. Though the floggers would be aimed no higher than our stomachs, some stray strands would make contact with our exposed breasts, and occasionally the unlucky woman would receive one directly on her nipple. She would cry out and double over, trying to protect her breasts, and more than once Kinin stepped between the line to order a woman to stand up straight and continue.
Each woman who made it through was escorted off to the side by a female alien who wiped her tears and gave her something to drink. We'd seen the kindness after the cruelty twice now, but it was still hard to accept.
My turn came last and it was no different than the others. The strips of leather fell like hot needles on my skin as I tried to scurry through. Without the use of my hands to balance, I couldn't get up a good speed and every time a sting hit my exposed breasts I twisted away from it and lost momentum. It was inevitable that I tripped and fell. As I lay on the cool grass with tears of frustration and pain blocking my vision, I seriously contemplated not getting back up.
Suddenly Samial was in my face. "Leina, you have to get up now. If you don't, I'll have to pull you over my knee and hold you while they all take turns. It will be worse."
"This planet better be worth all this pain," I muttered to myself half angrily, half resigned to my fate. Samial helped me to my feet and made sure I was steady before leaving me alone. The end of the line still looked a long way away.
I took a deep breath and started forward, and the blows resumed. I tried my best to keep walking straight so that they didn't have one more second to use those damn instruments of torture on me and though I was staggering by the time I got to the end, I was still on my feet.